Category: Tutorials

  • Home Studio House Curves

    Home Studio House Curves

    Home studio house curves are there for you to create balanced mixes. Standard practice dictates that your bass should be elevated at your listening position, but not everyone agrees. Ultimately, you should start with a bass boost and experiment to see if that works for you. This post contains affiliate links for your convenience. Please…

  • Audio Frequency Chart Memorization with 99.2% Accuracy

    Audio Frequency Chart Memorization with 99.2% Accuracy

    We’ve all sat down and tried to memorize the audio frequency chart. I don’t know how it went for you but it didn’t go well for me. That is, until I woke up one morning and had a vision which changed everything. The F350 Method for memorizing the audio frequency chart is based on six…

  • Speaker Boundary Interference

    Speaker Boundary Interference

    Where you place your speakers matters. However, you’re probably not in the most ideal room. For this reason, you have to put your speakers where they can go. In this article, I’m going to talk about the consequences of where you place your speakers as it relates to nearby surfaces. To put it as simply…

  • How Much Acoustic Foam Do I Need?

    How Much Acoustic Foam Do I Need?

    There comes a day in the life of certain special people when they realize the need for acoustic treatment. When I first got into this, I thought the apple spacers from my produce receiver job would work. Well, they didn’t. Later, once I got my little home studio setup, I knew I needed treatment so…

  • Golden Ratio Acoustics

    Golden Ratio Acoustics

    You might’ve heard that square and cube rooms are bad for audio and music acoustics. This is correct but do you know which dimensions are best? In this article, we’re going to take a look at how dimensions affect your room’s sound. By the end, you’ll understand golden ratio acoustics. But, before that, let me…

  • Velocity vs. Pressure – Acoustic Sound Absorbers

    Velocity vs. Pressure – Acoustic Sound Absorbers

    When first starting out, a lot of home studio owners don’t use acoustic treatment. Sooner or later, though, there comes the time where we want to improve our recordings. One of the best ways to do that is by putting in sound absorption. This article is about comparing two main types of acoustic sound absorbers…

  • Rhyme Vowels

    Rhyme Vowels

    We’ve all heard rappers use amazing wordplay and unique rhymes.  Sadly, when most of us sit down to write a song, we draw a blank.  There are 21 vowels in the English language.  How many of them do you know?  Knowing all the vowels is one thing but organizing them is another altogether.  In this…

  • Loud Neighbors: Apartments Suck

    Loud Neighbors: Apartments Suck

    Let’s face it: the minute your neighbor starts up with that noise, custom made by Satan for your bespoke torture, you seek relief. Sometimes apartments suck – loud neighbors can make your life a living hell. Or can they? Let’s look into some perspectives and action steps which might have you loving your spot. [20230924-This…

  • Andrew Scheps Mixing Techniques

    Andrew Scheps Mixing Techniques

    You might know him as the Metallica guy, the guy who won the loudness war, or perhaps the guy that looks like Andrew Weil and doesn’t care about mastering.  I’m talking about Andrew Scheps.  While this guy has been around for awhile, his modern techniques and edgy methods have kept him at the forefront of the mixing…

  • K System: The Ultimate Tutorial

    K System: The Ultimate Tutorial

    The K system has been blown way out of proportion in terms of its complexity. Maybe it’s due to lack of understanding or the general difficulty of following how-tos in a forum but I think a video and blog post are much better media for communicating this idea. The K system is nothing more than…